Artist Arjun Verma

Kala Kunj

He specializes in fiber glass, cement, terracotta, plaster of Paris, stone and metal sculptures. His painting work in acrylic, fresco, oil and water can be seen in temples, castles etc. Various waterfalls, landscaping and 3 D dioramas are available in museums and art exhibitions.

He is an avid traveler. While his work can be found all over, he can be found on Himalayas from time to time. Art and trekking has been his passion throughout his life.


- 'Rajasthan State Award' by Lalit Kala Academy.

- 'Progressive Artist Group Award'.

- 'Governor's Award' for building school activities panel in Pilani.

- 'Birla Education Trust' Award for outstanding work.

- 'Gunijan Sammaan' by Gandhi Foundation Rashtriya Ekta mission, Jhunjhunu,Rajasthan.

The Artist

Arjun Verma is a renowned sculptor and artist known world wide for his artwork. He has dedicated his career to creating immortal works of art.